Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween video of the day


Hacienda, Manchester, 1982. Link via

I used to think that if Halloween existed in our country (it now does, and I wish it didn't - a licence for kids to essentially come and knock on your door and say "give me some lollies" (like, someone thought this was a Good Idea?) - last night one of our neighbours did just that, and didn't even go through the least motions of dressing up) it would be totally scary just to dress up as Nick Cave. (Now he has that facial-hair thing happening it would be, if anything, even more scary.) I actually still own one of the original "Eeeek!" t-shirts put out by Philip Brophy and Bruce Milne, notionally a graphic representation of the lead character in the original version of "The Fly", but actually, I suspect, a photograph of Nick Cave with a giant fly head superimposed on top.