Friday, April 13, 2007

Cure For Pain

Well, perhaps not so much cure as palliative care, but I have discovered that when, as now, the lurgi strikes, your mood can be at least temporarily lifted by:

1. Reading "On Chesil Beach", the new Ian McEwan novel, which is sufficiently small to accommodate the reduced attention span that comes with having a head full of snot.

2. Listening to the lesser-heralded W Minc compilation CD, "Where Joy Kills Sorrow", which allows you to dwell on other people's (manufactured) misery and thus feel uplifted yourself. It features everyone from the Queen of Soul, Renee Geyer, to the King of Pop, Dave Graney. Warren Ellis is even on there, with his dad. And Mick Harvey. And those magnificent Snarskis. And Robert Forster. Do I really need to go on?