I spent yesterday afternoon in the (barely) living centre of Canberra looking for the 2005 Lego catalogue, which someone in our household is desperate to lay his hands on (word is it'll be here in March; that wasn't the word he was looking for).
Rather than come home empty handed, I spent a few minutes looking around in Revolution, unsuccessfully, when my eyes lit upon one of the objects I would have been least expexting to see there, had I given the idea any thought at all: "DFA Compilation #2". Second hand. In Canberra. For about the same price as a discounted new-release "chart" CD. Believing that these things never happen to me, I sensed a trap. But only for a second or two. I grabbed it before anyone else could put their clammy hands on it. I took it home. I will now give it a damn close listen to make sure there are no faults or glitches.
(I will then decide whether I like it or not. And perhaps let you know. Although, after a year of doing this weblog malarkey, I have yet to fall into a pattern of writing "record reviews". I find them very difficult, and frequently pointless (not to mention, in the longer term, embarrassing). On the Internet there are no deadlines. I often take months - or years: take a bow, "Portishead" by Portishead - to decide if I like a record. Then I change my mind. So what I probably should be doing is looking back at what I bought, say, 10 years ago, and reviewing those.)