Saturday, July 24, 2004

Construction Site: Day 12

Nothing for a couple of days, and then yesterday the big concrete pour: three cement mixers, numerous workmen, our four-year-old, Julius, and two of the other kids from our street watching from as close as they could get without actually being in the trenches having concrete poured on top of them, running through and around the house from vantage point to vantage point. Naturally, today has, contrary to the forecast, been constant drizzle, and a maximum temperature in the low single figures: not ideal conditions for watching cement dry (rather listen to a Harold Budd record, isn't that what "they" say?). Meanwhile, I have been spending the last couple of days of my week "off" rearranging furniture in anticipation of losing what is now our main bedroom, so that soon we will be a family of four living in a cramped two-bedroom house - which can be seen in a positive light when contrasted with our likely situation of having neither a kitchen nor a laundry for three or four weeks. Now, that is really something to look forward to.