Thursday, February 24, 2005

Who's Next

We like what's going down over at ILMiXor, where what's going down is a real-time collaborative mp3 mixtape project (well, you try to give it a better description): the guy (naturally we assume it's a guy) running the site decides upon a theme for a mix tape, sets up a rolling list of contributors, and away it goes. When it's your turn, you have to put up an mp3 fitting the theme and, ideally, following on from the previous entry, and writing a few words about it. (Or, in the case of Ned Raggett, a whole lot of words.) So far they have put together one suitable-for-burning 80-minute mix, and are well into the second one. The whole thing is co-ordinated by way of an ILM thread, which reads like the duck's feet thrashing around furiously under the water while the ILMiXor duck gives the impression of floating gracefully along the surface. ("I can't take my turn right now, sorry, I've got to study/work/my computer's been stolen/I haven't slept for three days.")

It is a brilliantly simple idea, anyone could do it (although could "anyone" do it well?), but they thought of it (as far as we know) so full credit to them.